NFTS Model Makers Create Incredible Replica of The Shining's Iconic Bathroom!
Without doubt, one of the scariest scenes from Stanley Kubrick’s 1980 classic horror film The Shining features the bathroom in Room 237. The third cohort of NFTS Model Making students started their course in September 2019 and their first piece of significant collaborative work saw them create a 1:6 scale replica of this iconic green hued room – no mean feat!

Here, John Lee the Head of NFTS’ Model Making Department reflects on undertaking this exciting project:
“To kick this particular project off, my students spent a day at The Stanley Kubrick Archive, where we were fortunate to see for ourselves the original artefacts from the Kubrick collection. Since the Model Making course began in 2017 my students have replicated a model set from The Shining.

This year, I chose the bathroom from Room 237 for their first module because it’s instantly recognisable and contains some really sharp and accurate features, which are really challenging to build in miniature. It’s one thing being able to carve shapes from poly and sculpt with clay, but to become a proficient model and prop maker, it’s crucial that you can work accurately, to the millimetre, and make things which fit seamlessly together.

The students needed to use all the workshop machinery available to them and really began to focus their skills. During the project the students also learn how to pattern make and cast multiple parts, exactly the same way we do on animated features such as ‘Fantastic Mr Fox’, and ‘Isle of Dogs’.

The sets from the original film were full size sets with actors, but what we create here on the Model Making course is a miniature which we pass off as full size, so it has to look hyper-real.

We spent five weeks on this module and by the end, we have a fully complete replica set, with working lighting. I’m always pleased to add another set from The Shining to Model Making’s collection and look forward to helping a new intake of students create more in the Autumn term of 2020!"