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Graduate Impact Report

Graduate Impact Report

The NFTS Graduate Impact Report demonstrates the enormous impact NFTS graduates make to the UK Film and Television industries, specifically High-End Television as well as inward investment in UK Film Production and independent British Film.


First established in 1971, the NFTS celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2021 and has evolved to become a leading global institution, developing some of Britain and the world’s top creative talent.  


The report was prepared by OC&C for the NFTS on a pro-bono basis to help build an understanding of its importance to the UK screen industries.

“The Graduate Impact Report has delivered findings that are simply unparalleled. For example, over 80% of all high end television has an NFTS graduate in a key role and yet, our grads make up less than 4% of the 100,000 strong UK Film and TV Production workforce. No other single education institution or scheme can point to a record of accomplishment that has delivered talent and skills for the industry on the scale of the NFTS. Our success is totally disproportionate to our small size and I couldn’t be prouder of what the School and its graduates have achieved. Moving forward, we will continue our mission which is to produce the people that power production both in the UK and globally.” - Dr. Jon Wardle, NFTS Director


The report was launched by President of the NFTS, Lord David Puttnam during a speech delivered online. To watch Lord Puttnam’s speech please see below:

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“The NFTS provides the crucial skills we need to keep our vibrant screen industry afloat, but what truly sets it apart is its understanding of the value of talent, its recognition of the importance of storytelling and its commitment to the promise of a new idea.” Lord David Puttnam


The report analyses the exceptional contribution of NFTS graduates as a whole on UK Film and Television production over a five year period* and demonstrates how NFTS graduates quickly take centre stage in an industry critical to the UK economy.

The highlights from the report are:

  • The School has a graduate employment rate of 93%
  • 1 in 4 recent graduates are from ethnically diverse backgrounds versus only 3% in the industry overall
  • Two thirds of all UK high end television spend is on content with at least 1 NFTS graduate in a key role
  • Even though the NFTS graduates just 8 Cinematographers per year, alumni shoot 25% of all high end TV in the UK
  • 85% of UK broadcaster spend on high end television and two thirds of all Netflix productions have at least 1 NFTS graduate in a key role
  • Over 50% of the biggest box office successes since 2015 have had at least 1 NFTS graduate in a key role
  • 97% of the biggest budget ‘inward investment’ films have NFTS graduate involvement
  • NFTS graduates go on to become key creative leaders for much of the UK’s largest and most high profile film and television content
  • NFTS graduates achieve success within a short window of time and go on to become dominant in a specific field
  • Investment in skills at the NFTS can pay dividends within just 18 months. Similar investment targeted at new entrants can take between five to ten years to pay off 

(*Five year period covers 2015-2019)


Each year the NFTS produces a short film that showcases a selection of Graduate Credits from the previous 12 months.

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