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Ways to support us

Ways to support us

Our supporters make a real difference to the lives of NFTS students - and in doing so they make a difference to the future of the film, television and games industries too.

It is due to the generous support from individuals, companies, statutory funders and trusts and foundations, that films and television shows by our graduates are so successful.

There are many ways in which you can support the NFTS. Examples include naming a room or cinema seat or a facilities space, establishing a named scholarship, providing donations of equipment, or by supporting Masterclasses, visiting tutors and special projects which we would not be able to run without your support.

Donors can give online, by post, by standing order, through stocks and shares, by donating or lending in-kind equipment, or by leaving a legacy. 

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The simplest way to donate to The National Film and Television School is via our JustGiving page.

From there you can donate your chosen amount as a one-off or a monthly contribution.