Summer Sessions: Insight

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08/06/2024 06:00 PM
08/27/2024 07:30 PM
Summer Sessions: Insight

Banner Image for Insight sessions

Summer Sessions 2024

We are thrilled to be running workshops again this Summer, between the 1st and 30th of August.

This year we are running the summer sessions a little differently, and for the very first time we are offering virtual alternatives for some of our sessions!

About 'Insight' 

Each week we will have different session, all run by NFTS students. Each session will focus on a different career area behind the camera, across the Film and TV industry. 

These sessions are informal and anone over the age of 16 can attend online. Whether you know nothing about the career that is being highlighted or if you come with some knowledge and previous interest in it, it doesnt matter  Attendees will look deeper into the roles, learn about relevant skills and knowledge needed for success, along with receieving tips and advice for their next steps. There will be. chance to ask your questions also. 

For all information on Summer Sessions 2024, and to apply for places on 'Insight' click on the Apply Now button above. 
