Vasilieos Kapnis

Vasileios Kapnis profile picture

Vasileios is an impassioned cinematographer, currently based in Scotland. Born in Greece, his love for the visual arts started at an early age, in the form of black and white films. Not long after he developed a passion for cinema and the work of photographers and painters, which he continues to be inspired by and draws upon in his work. He went on to study Cultural Technology and Communication at the University of the Aegean as well as a Masters in Cinematography at Edinburgh Napier.

Vasileios has years of experience working in the camera department across the UK and Europe, having worked on a variety of TV productions (Princess Mirror Belle, River City, Outlander, Shetland) as well as shooting award winning short films such as Floored (2022), The Gurney (2018) and documentaries for TV. His ambition is to connect and collaborate with bold, creative voices, and bring important stories to life visually.