NFTS Awarded Best Animation School Award by Animafest Zagreb 2023

The National Film and Television School has been named Best Animation School by Animafest Zagreb for the second year running (the first time this has happened for any school), a huge honour from one of the oldest and longest running animation festivals!

The award recognises the high calibre of our teaching staff and the incredible talent of students and graduates from our Directing Animation MA, Model Making Diploma and multiple other specialist courses across the School.

best animation school 2023

The selection committee members Daniel Šuljić, Jasminka Bijelić Ljubić and Hana Tintor said the following in their statement;

"This institution whose strategy focuses on equality, diversity and inclusion, again proves this with this year’s production presented at Animafest.

The selection of submitted entries reflects a diversity of techniques, both visual and animation, a thematic variety, an interesting approach to cinematic soundscape and its coexistence with animation.

The films are generally well directed, classically structured, narrating film tales easily understood by viewers. They are easily immersive in the authors’ ideas, they stimulate reflection even after the film is over, which makes a lasting impression of the kind we as selection committee members, and audience in general, would like to feel in the works of creative film talents.

The authors do not shy away from humour, quite the contrary. Unimposing, occasionally skilfully camouflaged in serious topics, it emerges at the right moment as a welcome refreshment.

The NFTS in this year’s selection of carefully picked, submitted and selected films takes a viewer across the worlds of present and future times, both analogue and digital, both entertaining and serious! It strikes a balance between all these categories, offering something for everyone, and posing this selection committee the hard and unrewarding task of deciding which of these films should be left out of this year’s competition.

This award pays tribute to mentors and associates alike. In a symbiosis with the authors, they mirror the beauty of team work, without denying the authors a chance to express their creativity and individuality and to present them successfully in an artistic or industry sphere."

Four NFTS graduation animations were selected for the Student Film Competition to be screened at the festival; Ascent, Dead Silent, Homemaker and Zuman, four out of only five UK films being showcased.

Find out more about the films

still from ascent showing dog sniffing snowy ground
A saluki dog sets off on a journey through the arctic coastal town where he lives, chasing scents trying to find his master.
Dead Silent

Liam is blindsided when, out of nowhere, his best mate Jack commits suicide. But you’ve gotta push on. Suck it up. Stay strong. Never mind that it feels like you’re drowning on the inside, and your world has flipped...Nah. Liam’s fine.

Homemaker still showing man looking at heart
Renee loses herself in a controlling relationship and the abuse she suffers gets worse until she is utterly trapped.
still from zuman showing man sitting on toilet reading newspaper
Steve is a human born in captivity, and the main attraction of a zoo where the visitors are animals. Longing for freedom and companionship, Steve gets his first chance to escape his enclosure and meet ‘wild humans’. Will he be able to fit in?

The Best Animation School Award will be presented to Robert Bradbrook, NFTS Head of Animation, at the official opening ceremony of the World Festival of Animated Film - Animafest Zagreb 2023.

Applications to join the NFTS Model Making for Animation Diploma in September 2022 and the Directing Animation MA in January 2023 are now open!

For more information and to start your application today visit:

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