NFTS Graduate Puts Pedal To The Metal On Career In Sports Production

Matthew Samuel graduated from the National Film and Television School Sports Production Diploma in 2020 and is now working as Formula E’s in-house Video Editor which has brought him all over the world creating digital content for these high-octane events.

This one-year, full-time course gives students practical training across all aspects of sports programming, giving them the skills and confidence to produce state-of-the-art sports and live events coverage in all sports from ping pong to racing.

Keep reading to find out more about how Matt’s NFTS training helped put him in the driving seat of this incredible career path.

matt samuel stood in front of FE car

What were you doing before you joined NFTS?

I had just graduated from Bournemouth Film School with a degree in Film Production and knew that the feature film industry wasn’t for me. I was living back home with my parents looking for opportunities to figure out exactly what I wanted to do. I knew that I loved sport and I loved making films, but I didn’t know how to combine the two. A couple of weeks before the application closing date I saw the Sports Production Diploma on the NFTS website and instantly knew that this was the answer.

"I knew that I loved sport and I loved making films, but I didn’t know how to combine the two."

Describe your current role and what working for Formula E is like?

Working for Formula E has been incredible. To be able to say that I travel the world and make films is something I could only dream about. Even the constant jet lag from travelling to five different continents in a three-month period was worth it for the stories I’m able to tell!

matt samuel with team stood in front of fe car

I’m currently Formula E’s in-house Video Editor, so I edit the videos that go out on Formula E’s social media sites and website which requires me to often be on location at the races working with the rest of the Digital team. I’m progressing towards an Edit Producer role, taking the lead on how we run the technical side of Formula E’s video production and making sure that anybody working on our content is able to use our new system. I also manage our Junior Video Editor and, once our new agency starts, I’ll be the person training all of their staff up and teaching them how everything works from a video point of view, as well as developing our Junior Editor.

How has your NFTS training helped you?

The main thing that I can take away from my NFTS training is learning how the world of Sports Production works. We were taught by tutors who have so much experience, and learning the in’s and out’s of every aspect of the world I wanted to end up in was always so exciting, from being able to use the TV Studio to learn about live broadcasts, or scripting and writing our own features. There are also so many things I learned from going on my own shoots four years ago that I still take with me when I’m on site at a Formula E race.

matt samuel stood in pit lane at formula e event

"We were taught by tutors who have so much experience, and learning the in’s and out’s of every aspect of the world I wanted to end up in was always so exciting."

What made you choose the NFTS course?

The main thing that sold the course to me was the link with IMG. The idea that we got to spend a whole month on a placement at the largest sports media company in the world was such a big selling point. My experiences at IMG through being on the course are the reasons why I am where I am today.

Advice for future applicants?

Take the course seriously. I didn’t put as much work into my graduation piece as it deserved, and I’ve regretted it ever since. I was so preoccupied with trying to get a job at IMG after the course that I neglected my coursework and even though I had such a great idea and plan for my graduation piece, it didn’t come out anywhere near as good as it should have done. Also, make as many friends as you can. I was hired at Formula E by somebody I met on a different course at NFTS. There are so many creative people who can help you not only on your work at NFTS, but in the future as well. 

Keen to find out more about how you can transform your passion for sports into an interesting and varied career in Sports Production?

Log in to our online Open Day

25 October @ 13:00 - 14:00

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  • Funding available including 1 fully funded place provided by IMG
  • IMG placement
  • Application deadline 31 October @ midnight
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