Documentary Storytelling

2 days 10:00am - 5:15pm Full-time

Main Campus In person

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2 day 10.00am - 5.00pm

Cymru Wales In person

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2 Days 10.00am - 5.00pm Full-time

Leeds In person

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2 days 9:30-17:30pm Full-time

Scotland In person

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Documentary Storytelling

Content Tabs

Documentaries and factual tv programmes come in many shapes and sizes, but they all have a set of organising principles. These are fundamental, easy to grasp and vital in helping you make sense of your idea and your material.

This course will be delivered face to face.

If you know what they are and how to use them, the problems you encounter throughout the film-making process will be more easily solved.

In this course we identify the key elements of a good documentary story, how they work and why they matter – from the moment you start production to the final day of the edit.

The course will be led by experienced documentary director Ashok Prasad - who's been twice shortlisted for an RTS Best Documentary award and won an International Emmy for his work. He is a former Head of the Directing Documentary MA at the NFTS.

