Documentary Shooting

6 days 10:00am - 5:30pm Full-time

Main Campus In person

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Documentary Shooting

Content Tabs

This extremely popular and updated course is designed for established self-shooters who have camera confidence and some practical edit experience (ideally in Premier Pro)

We will discuss definitions of ‘Documentary’ and the ever changing landscape of factual film making including the style shift that has come about since the Streamers came on the scene.

After a brief camera and sound refresher, students will be shooting practical exercises very early on. We will refer to clips and discuss theories and approaches to different styles of documentary film making as well as discuss what it takes to shoot a sequence. We will also look at interview technique, working safely, the importance of recording good sound and considering the edit.

Practical and immersive exercises include a unique ‘as real’ ob doc scenario and a controlled ‘People of Beaconsfield’ exercise where the students get to research, plan and film a local person. Students will then go into the edit and cut their own footage using the learning we have covered on the days before. Students work will be discussed with the lead tutor and feedback given as we go along, then work will be shown and discussed amongst the group.

This is an active and engaging course that will enlighten, inform and excite. Each student will finish the course with two short documentary films.