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There’s no “correct” or “standard” way of financing your feature. It is typically a 'jigsaw puzzle' of different sources that you, the producer, need to navigate, bring to the table, and close finance on.
This course will point you in the right direction. We will focus on the core questions at the heart of raising finance for any feature: Is it priced and positioned correctly; is there a market demand, and does your project and its business plan present a viable route to cash break and ultimately net profits?
- What makes a film worth financing
- How investors see the aspects of the project in commercial terms
- How sales agents and distributors view the market both domestic and international
- Equity, pre-sales and gap financing
- The types of deals available
- Co-production and international deals
- How financing calculations are constructed and how the income is shared
Please fill in the application form, attaching your CV
For the Beaconsfield intake, if you need any assistance please contact us at or call us on 01494 677 903
For the Glasgow intake, if you need any assistance please contact us at or call us on 0141 729 8190