Building Confidence and Emotional Stamina

2 hours Evening session - 6.30pm to 8.30pm Part-time

Main Campus Online

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Building Confidence and Emotional Stamina

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Facing deadlines, handling high-stakes situations - be it exams, job interviews, conflict resolution, stakeholder presentations or just dealing with life’s setbacks and outright failures. 
All these events, however ‘normal’, are often costly on our mental and emotional wellbeing.

Building Confidence and Emotional Stamina is an intensive and highly motivational short course on dealing with some of the mental and emotional challenges of professional and personal life. 

Sasha Damjanovski is an experienced psychological counsellor and life coach.
He is also a multi-award winning writer and director of film, TV, theatre and business communications. Therefore, his work is very holistic, drawing on the years and many layers of this combined professional experience, and on his own journey of personal growth.