Camera Assisting

3 days 10.00 - 17.00 Full-time

Scotland In person

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Camera Assisting

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This practical course will help you better understand where the Camera Assistant’s role fits into the wider Film and TV crew.

It is ideal for junior employees and freelancers working in the Film and TV industries and those wanting to get a foothold on the first rung of the career ladder.

*If you are booking travel and accommodation to attend this course, please contact us in advance to advise us, and book flexibly where possible as we are unable to cover the cost of additional expenses in the event of a course cancellation.*

Previous course participants have said:

'Simon has so much practical industry experience and he passed us an astonishing amount of info. I really enjoyed being able to get to grips with the Arri cameras as they are large and quite intimidating, but I felt I understood the process of using them much better at the end of the course.'

'As a result of this course, I learned more about the career paths possible through the camera department and ways to progress my career into my desired path. I also got the opportunity to experience a number of roles within camera that I hadn't had the chance to before, such as focus pulling.'