Getting A Commission

Getting A Commission

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How many times have you been stunned that a great idea didn’t get commissioned?

Never mind, you’re loaded with other amazing ideas. They’re so good you can see each one of them on the front cover of the Radio Times, you can even hear yourself making the BAFTA speech. But a great idea is only 50% of what’s needed to get a commission. Some would say it’s even less than that.

So how can you make it so that the idea you love so much gets the green light?

What are the secret ingredients to a commission?

This course will help those who work in development or PDs looking to the future and running their own company or who just want to know more about hustling a broadcaster.

Paul Crompton has series and documentaries commissioned over a 20-year period, he has run his own indie and he has also worked on the other side of the fence as a Commissioning Editor.