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Completing the first draft of a script is both a wonderful and dreadful moment in any Screenwriter’s life.
Wonderful because you have a script, dreadful because that script will definitely need rewriting - but, how do we approach a rewrite? How can we figure out what is working and what to change?
Previous session feedback includes:
“I probably felt more comfortable doing this course over Zoom than I would have standing up in person reciting the same stories.”
“This course was delivered remotely and I was surprised at how well it worked. I felt at ease being at home and lost no focus. I felt that I was actually more honest about my faults and it gave a more informal feel”
“A really great inspiring course with a very likeable course leader”
“Tutor had a very good structure and was passionate about their subject. I felt engaged and informed throughout.”
“The practice sessions were my favourite part. We got to think on our feet and really put the teachings to the test. The tasks set were easy to follow but hard enough that you really had to think to complete them”
In this online session, Clive Frayne, will demonstrate how to objectively analysis a script by pulling all of the character development and plotting into one easy to read, colour-coded document.H
ow to interpret your analysis, for the planning of the next draft and also sharing the 4 key questions every writer should be able to answer before ever sending a script out into the industry.
You will learn:
- How to do a colour-coded spreadsheet analysis of a script
- How to interpret the spreadsheet to plan your rewrite
- The four key questions every writer should be able to answer about their script
- How to decide, objectively, how extensive the rewrite should be
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Full payment (Freelance Rate) taken upon application