Composing for Film and TV

3 days 10.00am - 5.00pm Full-time

Cymru Wales In person

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3 days 10:00am - 5:30pm Full-time

Main Campus In person

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Composing for Film and TV

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This 3 day course will give the participants a unique opportunity to gain a broad understanding of the skills and mindsets it takes to have a successful career as a composer writing and producing music for film, tv and games. It will cover as much ground as possible, both in terms of the appropriate composing-techniques and the nuts and bolts of writing and producing music specifically for film, TV and games with an originality that makes it stand out from the crowd.

The course is specifically geared towards those working with music for film, television, games – any place in the creative industry where “the right” music is very much needed, and in high demand. 

By the end of this course, you will be able to take your career as a composer to the next level, through new techniques and a fresh approach.


The course is led by Mathias Nielsen, who is an acclaimed Danish composer. For more than 20 years he has been writing and producing music for film and television at DR Danish Broadcast Corporation, as well as numerous ballets and music for plays performed at the Royal Danish Operahouse and venues all over Europe.


When composing music as commissioned work, the goal should always be to create music of such a quality that it is always a genuinely artistic experience listening to it on its own. The music for film, television and games needs to represent a strong artistic integrity, but because it is there to serve a purpose, finding the right balance between originality and applicability is crucial.

Making a living as a composer, writing for film, tv, games, theatre – anything that contains people or stuff that moves about, really – can be a wonderful life filled with excitement, creative freedom and, well… big money if you make it. And even if you just barely make it, there is still a lot to be gained from such a career besides the money ( which is still very good for any business ). But, it can also be a life filled with too much uncertainty, too many obstacles, a struggle that ends up in total despair and poverty, let alone a shattered ego for everyone around you to enjoy, if your career never really seems to take off.