Self-Shooting - Interviewing

Self-Shooting - Interviewing

Content Tabs

This course is an in-depth practical introduction in how to interview in different styles in factual self-shooting. It is suitable for those who are already (relatively!) comfortable using camera and sound technically, or for those who have completed our Self-Shooting 1 – Introduction course.

Through a series of practical exercises in pairs, you will learn how to interview people formally and informally in different styles to tell the story and build a sequence in the edit, as well as capturing good quality sound and images. You will review exercises with the tutor and be given individual feedback within the group.

Many of the skills taught on this course can be applied to any camera or shooting format and will be of benefit to you regardless of which camera/s you normally use.

This course is ideal for Shooting Researchers, Assistant Producers and those with practical shooting experience at any stage of their career who wish to take their skills to the next level. It is also suitable for Directors, Producers and other professionals who have basic self-shooting experience and wish to become more proficient.