Under-Represented Voices Writing Lab

8 weeks - one evening a week Evening session - 6.15pm to 8.45pm Part-time

Main Campus Online

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13 weeks - one evening a week Evening session - 6.15pm to 8.45pm Part-time

Cymru Wales Online

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Under-Represented Voices Writing Lab

Content Tabs

"This is an excellent course that celebrates difference and myth busts taboos of the industry. If the industry operated the way this course does, TV and film would become more enriched and diverse."
-Former Student
  • What does a hero's journey look like when they have an under-represented voice?
  • How do under-represented writers navigate an industry not yet ready for them?
  • How do you use existing expectations and dogmas to your advantage?

Writers from underrepresented backgrounds need practical advice on navigating pitfalls and bending the rules and expectations of TV and film to their benefit. They need an opportunity to explore their ideas among like-minded peers who can help support and nurture them.

This course runs on Wednesday evenings, after working hours (18:15-20:45), for 13 weeks — giving you greater flexibility to hit weekly writing homework deadlines. At the halfway point, there will be a 1-week break solely for writing your project.

Under-representation and under-represented groups in the UK relate to the protected characteristics as defined in the UK Equality Act 2010. Additional areas include regional participation, socioeconomic background, and caring responsibilities. This is not an exhaustive list.
- British Film Institute  
