Writing A Micro Short

2 hours Evening session - 6.30pm to 8.30pm Part-time

Main Campus Online


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Writing A Micro Short

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One of the hardest things for most Scriptwriters is being economical and cutting to the proverbial chase.

The vast majority of 15, 20, 30 minute shorts could easily be 5, 10, 15

A fact the tutor knows from having previously made shorts ranging from 1 to 20 minutes, as well as writing many shorts and features.


Tutored by Sasha Damjanovski who has over 25 years experience writing, directing and producing film, TV, theatre and short-form commercial projects.

Sasha has received multiple awards at film festivals and critical acclaim an audience appreciation for the work that has been distributed in cinema, or shown on stage.

He started writing poetry and prose aged 11 and since then, has been coming up with stories magical realism, sci-fi, romantic comedy, drama, political thriller, history as well as business communications.